With JustGiving, set up fundraising pages and send any donations straight to us, without the fiddly bits. Who knows? Maybe your next boozy brunch, bingo night or big bake will help put more refugees where they belong.
£15 pays for a space in a safe, well-equipped local IT lab to access our programmes
£40 trains a local teacher to run our programmes
£45 gives a refugee the skills to access university, and a plan for how to get there
Whether it’s a cake sale or a marathon, every penny you raise helps refugees build a life beyond survival. Here’s how you can raise for Mosaik:
We’re a charity and non-governmental organisation, every donation enables us to help train more future leaders.
Over 90% of donations go to programmes that support refugees, paying for staff to run workshops, local teachers, learning facilities and transport so students can study safely. 10% is used to pay our operational costs.